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Gunnebo GrabiQ Couplinig Link G

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This GrabiQ G Coupling Link from Gunnebo features a heavy-duty retaining collar for semi-permanent connections for chains, slings and hooks. The coupler is forged with extra-wide inside dimension, and a heat number identification allows for full product traceability. The heavy-duty finish ensures product durability. Featuring a Safety Factor of 4:1, the Grade 100 coupler is approved for overhead lifting and 25 percent stronger than Grade 80. Choose from 10 sizes and Working Load Limits ranging from 3,306 lbs. to 88,160 lbs. Various sizes allow slings to handle different capacities.

  • Connects chains, slings and hooks
  • Grade 100 approved for overhead lifting
  • 10 sizes: 7/32” to 1-1/4"
  • WLL: 3,306 lbs. to 88,160 lbs.
  • Forged with extra-wide inside dimension
  • Heavy-duty retaining collar
  • Heat number identification for traceability

Item # Code WLL lb* For chain dim. L B F A C Weight lb
GI-Z100822 G-6-8 5,700 5/16 1.77 0.59 0.28 0.31 0.67 0.22
GI-Z279430 G-10-8 7,100 3/8 2.68 0.98 0.43 0.51 1.02 0.66
GI-Z100823 G-10-10 8,800 3/8 2.68 0.98 0.47 0.51 1.02 0.74
GI-Z279537 G-13-8 12,000 1/2 3.50 1.18 0.59 0.63 1.30 1.54
GI-Z100824 G-13-10 15,000 1/2 0.27 0.26 0.59 0.66 1.30 1.67
GI-Z279634 G-16-8 18,000 5/8 4.13 1.42 0.75 0.79 1.57 2.65
GI-Z100825 G-16-10 22,600 5/8 4.17 1.41 0.74 0.79 1.57 3.01
GI-Z279731 G-18/20-8 28,300 3/4 1.69 1.69 0.87 0.91 1.85 4.19
GI-Z101119 G-20-10 35,300 3/4 4.92 1.69 0.91 1.02 1.73 6.01
GI-Z279838 G-22-8 34,200 7/8 5.98 1.97 0.94 1.02 2.32 6.61
GI-Z100821 G-6-10 3,306 7/32 1.77 0.59 0.27 8.31 0.62 0.20
GI-Z101339 G-22-10 44,080 7/8 5.98 1.97 1.02 1.10 2.32 7.94
GI-Z101358 G-7-10 4,500 9/32 2.20 0.71 0.35 0.43 0.87 0.36
GI-Z101365 G-26-10 88,160 1 6.34 2.28 1.25 1.34 2.40 12.57
GI-Z101666 G-32-10 88,160 1-1/4 7.87 2.76 1.50 1.57 3.03 20.94
GI-Z349171 G-26-8 47,700 1 6.34 2.28 1.18 1.30 2.40 11.46
GI-Z349189 G-32-8 72,300 1-1/4 7.87 2.76 1.50 1.57 3.03 20.94
Fulfills requirements in: EN 1677:2008, ISO 8539:2009, ASTM A952/A952M and AS 3776:2015.
*Safety factor 4:1. All dimensions in inches.

Item # Code WLL tonnes* For chain dim. L B F A C Weight kg
GI-Z100822 G-6-8 1.1 6 45 15 7 8 17 0.1
GI-Z279430 G-10-8 3.2 10 68 25 11 13 26 0.3
GI-Z100823 G-10-10 4.0 10 68 25 12 13 26 0.3
GI-Z279537 G-13-8 5.4 13 89 30 15 16 33 0.7
GI-Z100824 G-13-10 6.8 13 89 29 15 17 33 0.7
GI-Z279634 G-16-8 8.2 16 105 36 19 20 40 1.2
GI-Z100825 G-16-10 10.3 16 106 36 19 20 40 1.3
GI-Z279731 G-18/20-8 12.8 19 125 43 22 23 47 1.9
GI-Z101119 G-20-10 16.0 19 125 43 23 26 44 2.7
GI-Z279838 G-22-8 15.5 22 152 50 24 26 59 3.0
GI-Z100821 G-6-10 1.5 6 45 15 7 8 16 0.1
GI-Z101339 G-22-10 20.0 22 152 50 26 28 59 3.6
GI-Z101358 G-7-10 2.0 6 56 18 9 11 22 0.1
GI-Z101365 G-26-10 27.3 25 161 58 32 34 61 5.7
GI-Z101666 G-32-10 40.0 23 200 70 38 40 77 9.5
GI-Z349171 G-26-8 21.7 26 161 58 30 33 61 5.2
GI-Z349189 G-32-8 32.8 32 200 70 38 40 77 9.5
Fulfills requirements in: EN 1677:2008, ISO 8539:2009, ASTM A952/A952M-02,
AS 3776:2015 and SANS 1595:2003.
*Safety factor 4:1. All dimensions in mm.