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Reelcraft Oil/Petroleum Fluid Hose

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Nothing's more frustrating than having to replace a hose time and time again. With the Reelcraft Oil/Petroleum Fluid Hose, you can save money just by how sturdy it is. Its rubber build makes the hose resistant to abrasions and extreme temperatures. Plus, it’s specifically designed to be compatible with oil and petroleum. This hose is extremely durable.

The job will also be made much easier! Due to how light it is, the Reelcraft Oil/Petroleum Fluid Hose is easily maneuverable. With two separate lengths, you’ll save time by not having to transport the source of oil or petroleum as far. Not to mention, it’s also very easy to handle, meaning you’ll have fewer accidents during installation and use.

All of this together means you’ll be saving a bunch of money. Because you don’t have to replace it as often, you can also pick up a reel to store your hose on! The Reelcraft Oil/Petroleum Fluid Hose is very easy to wind and store, so you can also save space!

  • Use for oil and petroleum fluids
  • 10.4-22 lbs depending on model
  • 100 R1 or R17 one wire braid hose
  • 1/2" and 3/8" inner diameter
  • 2250-3000 psi
  • Multiple end fittings
  • 210 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Rubber
  • 50 and 75 foot

  • Available in the following sizes

    Item # Axle
    NFS156R REAR
    NFS156 SET
    PNFS156LNT Jamnut
    PNFS156FWL Front Wheel Liner - Only
    PNFS156RWL Rear Wheel Liner - Only