Best-in-class navigation technology
TomTom Traffic
always know the fastest way to your customers.
Interactive Map
the world at the fingertips of your drivers.
Lifetime Maps
your drivers always have access to the latest maps.
3D Maps
more detail for drivers to know more about where they are.
IQ Routes
the fastest routes and most accurate ETAs. Save costs.
your drivers can start navigating in seconds.
Advanced Lane Guidance
extra clarity when navigating difficult junctions.
add business apps on the PRO 8275M or customize Webfleet workflow with
PRO.connect, our open API.
*Requires a subscription.
Connected to Webfleet online fleet management via LINK enables:
OptiDrive 360
real-time feedback and advice promote safe and efficient driving.
Order management
manage orders on your device.
two-way text communication between drivers and the office.
Vehicle Tracking
always know where your vehicles are.
Mileage Log
keep accurate and reliable mileage records.
Working Time
record working hours with a tap on the screen.
enrich existing office systems with real-time data from your mobile devices out
in the field, such as barcode readers, digital pens, and more.
Please Note: Product Discontinued - ALL SALES FINAL!
Discontinued items are not eligible for return.
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Tailor your drivers device for your business with the TomTom PRO 8275M
customizable all-in-one fleet management and navigation device.
7" screen and ruggedized driver terminal
Fully customizable with platform control
Built-in camera with flash
Easy serviceability with remote device management via WiFi
Lifetime TomTom traffic and safety cameras
Connects to Webfleet via TomTom Telematics LINK products. Your vehicles
connected to your business for efficient fleet management
Near field communication (RFID) and cellular connectivity included